Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feedback, Please

This would be my parents, Corky and DaleAnn with my kiddos. Read the above post and look at them and love them:)

Just wondering how the music thing is going. Is it working for all of you with high-speed? I am in the prehistoric land of dial-up so not quite sure how it goes for others. Perhaps lady fortune well smile on me and I'll get comments like some of my professional blogger friends:) J


Anonymous said...

I can hear it and BTW good choice of music!


Jessica said...

Help! What's BTW? I guess it's text and I told you I'm a bit behind:) Jess

Crazycozartclan said...

I am way behind in the text lingo too, but BTW means by the way. Look you even got 4 comments on this post! Totally professional! : )


Anna D. said...

The music is awesome! And the John Mayer song is great. I'm glad that we got it figured out. Without you I wouldn't have gotten introduced to the blogger world. Thanks!

Kati said...

Music sounds great. Gheeeesh....get with the program sister! Dial up???
What is up with that?
Love ya sis...